
Welcome to my blog! Add me as a friend on Facebook! You can also folow me on Twitter. If you have any questions on quilting, I can try to answer them for you, or you can check out my FAQ, or email me at skippitydodahquilts@yahoo.com

Happy Quilting!

About Me

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I'm just a new wife who has an obsession with my sewing machine! In Oct. 2010, my mother and I created my first sewing project - Euro pillow shams. I was hooked! I read everything I could get my hands on that had to do with sewing! Books, magazines, online tutorials. I experimented and found that I get so much enjoyment from making quilts, and that it's where I found my niche. I'm still a beginner, but I've learned so much in just 5 short months, that I want to share it with someone!

Monday, May 16, 2011


How was your weekend? I had a quite lovely weekend. We celebrated my mom's 21st (ummm yeah, right. hahaha) on Friday! She is the classiest, most beautiful, most amazing woman I know and I am so honored to have her as my mom :).

Other than that, I've been a total slacker. School and other non-sewing obligations have taken over my mind as of late, and I sat at my machine for the first time in three days. Whew, it felt nice to get back into my grove :). 

Does sewing relax you? I know that fore me, it just gives me that opportunity to focus on something else other than reality, and sometimes we just need that. 

So, since I've been a total slacker, I don't have anything quilty to show you :(. Butttt, hopefully in a couple days, I will have a couple fun things to share :). 

So, non-slackers, show yourselves! I want to know what everyone is working on!

Happy Quilting!

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